Monday, April 11, 2011

Diary page 5 April 12th 2011

Argh....4am...? *hits the snooze button*
Argh.........7am.....*aw shit*
I'm suppose to be in McD studying for today's Lab test. Which was supposed to be 3 hours ago...bleh.
*continues to read*

Later after the Lab test....(2pm):
T^T sure fail in Lab test.......

Later 5pm:
In many people here...I wonder may be because there are beach model training cat walk in the gym...anyway I'm not interested in just a pretty face.

After doing some serious thinking, it would seems that religious effect the way how our mind thinks. I consider myself as a free religion. I believe in God, not Islamic god, not Jesus Christ, not the Holy one, not the Almighty one, None of them. (Buddha is not a god, he is a man.) . What I believe is the creator, the one who sits higher then God itself, the one who creates the universe, and I fucking hate him now. I hate how he left us behind, leaving us with no solid warning about the Apocalypse. Even I believe it and I tried to change the world, a one man army is no army my friend. That is why I began to change the world, slowly, one story at a time, hoping that if I manage to survive this wave of chaos, the future generation will lead the contaminated world into a better place.

1 comment:

  1. We will have a nice chat on this god n change the world thingy wen u come bck =>
