Sunday, October 14, 2012


After a few research about TYPE-MOON projects, I'm, as mentioned in the title, inspired to achieved what they did. Thus I'm re-naming my blog to Project C.O.R.E in which each letter does not represent any meaning at all. It just for illustration purposes only. And well, I will monthly(?) post new works and well, lets hope someday I can be famous like them.

Friday, September 14, 2012


Probably no one reads my blog, which is why I can safely post anything I want, including my health status.

Doctors said my rib cages are now in weak state. Two of them, the ones that protects my heart are broken. At least now I understand those fighter felt when they got punch really bad.

Doctors told me I need at least 6 months to fully recover.
I shook my head and said. 2 months.
At least, if there is no internal bleeding occur.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Rejection and Acceptance

Went ahead and left you there.
Just like from when you abandon,
your conscience,
your feelings.

Forward, you went against,
For people who stay together,
You disperse,
You disappear.

But, we were there,
You left,
We follow your trails,
You went to the dark,
We turn the lights on.

In the end,
We are all friends,
What remains is our memory,
For what that seems the most precious of all.

Remember that,
My Friend.
I might forgot your name,
I might forgot your face,
But what remains in the corner of my mind,
Is that I once had a Friend,
No matter who he is.

Thursday, July 26, 2012


It's not enough. It's never enough. When you got some, you tend to want even more. And then, when you have the most. You just don't know what to do with it. But now, I just don't have any. 時間、それはいないものです・

Monday, February 20, 2012

Auguries of Love

Like summer, like winter, as the season sway;
Just like my heart, that beats away;
So sorrow, so lonely, I filled with them;
and no longer I feel the sunlight of warm.

The door open and you came in the mid year;
and I was dreaming, over the wasted tears;
Like an angel, you glimmer and shine;
Just like the feeling of a relaxing wine.

And then you left me, with a hope of joy;
Feeling of hope, and the memories of the boy;
And 2 years I left, the town I grew;
No longer the same, everything went blue.

I've lost hope, the time I knew;
Your were happy, and I am still true;
For love and passion, you feel for him;
And all the light I see will always be dim.

I was sad and heart broken, for something that wasn't belonged;
I can't even hold on to you, the girl that I always longed;
You were the first, the one that melt my heart;
And the last that I have open to thou art.

As always, no one can understand my love to you;
Even I myself, can't seems to know what I knew,
Ashamed, disappointment is now what I am;
and so it began my whole life's damn.