Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Monday, September 8, 2014


Storm cloud gathers around a certain place. The wind that used to be as gentle as the summer's now turn rebellious as though, the wind wanted to blow something away.

A pair o silvery eyes opens immediately as Aven Tullon used most of his mana to peek into the future. With a little mana remain, Aven used it all to cast 'Miran' to peek once more, to know the identity of the 11 hooded man. But before his eyes could reach anywhere near them, it was dispel immediately but Aven manage to peek at one man. Cold sweat runs down his forehead as his silvery eye swirls around. Slowly, his eyes swirls from the activated magical silver eye to his own greens eyes.

'Darkness will consume the Light once more.' he muttered, his had a heavy noble accent buried deep in his tongue. Though his voice was soft. The emptiness of the room cause his voice to echoed around.

The prison is dark. Too dark for even darkness to crawl in. Too dark for even light was scared to peek in. Too dark for a human to live in. For what that seems, all of the prisoner have died, they ended their own live, all but a single old man.

The underground prison of Hortschlungren keeps every possible being that had made a mistake for having the guts commit a crime. From a simple thief to the most wanted man, all of them were thrown here, in this accursed place.

The structure is simple. The entire prison which is no more that the size of a regular 100x100 meter hall. But what seems to be the catch was the entire prison was cast with a spell. A spell of time and magic-null field and a most cruel way to suffer, a spell of immortality was cast in the prison, to suffer an eternity.

But even with this, it didn't stop Aven Tullon from using his magic. Using his ability learnt from the Keepers and the Magician Circle, he is practically invulnerable to both physical and magic assault and due to this his knowledge and power, he was put away.

'Mr. Tullon sir, your dinner.' said a young man dress in a regular foot soldier.

The elder man stands and walks toward the door.

The boy, with one hand holding a torch and another with a food tray, approach him casually, as if he was an old friend.

The young man sigh as he watches the old man eat his meal so calmly as he was not a prisoner, as if he was at home. He could stop but to stares are his grey-silver hair, it grew so long for it could be mistakenly stepped on.

He place the torch at a holder behind him and sits with the old man on the dirt floor. Leaning against a wall, he plays with his own long blonde hair.

'How long has it been?' said the young man.

Tullon swallowed his food and reply immediately.
'Exactly 365 years.'

'Which makes it one year since I've meet you.'

'Well, it seems time pass faster than I can possibly imagine.'

The young man chuckle at his joke but then, both of them keep silence until Aven finishes his last drop of wine.

'Boy, how does it feel, when those thieves destroyed your home?'

The young man felt strange and answered him without hesitation.

'Of course I'm angry. Why-'
'Do you seek revenge?'

The young man drops his head. Remembering flashbacks images of the night when a group of thieves ransacks his entire village.

'Part of me died when my village was burnt right in front of me. But then, I was just a young boy. I had no sword, no wand..

'What if you had acquired power back then, what action will you decide?'

'Power? Even if I had the world strongest sword or the most powerful wand, I'd..I'

'Kill them?'

The man gazed for a moment. His mind went blank.

'Would you? Young man, take the lives of those ill-heart man?' said Aven loudly.

'For the sake of Justice?' he added.

'Justice in what sense Mr. Tullon?' said the man as he too raise his voice.

'Is it Justice when a poor women was punished for stealing food to feed her child?'

Aven was stunned by his word.

'Is is Justice when a man was beheaded for killing a noble who have been cheating all the villages money?'

'I've seen to many so called Justice that is conducted by the corrupted bureaucrats. Even my best friend was killed bu the greed of those who held a higher power.'

'After hearing all the preaches by priests, business mans and the king himself who talks of righteous and virtue, why aren't these people punished?'

'Even the all seeing god Est looked away and ignore this. For all this years of worshiping, I finally come to realize that god does not exist. Human does, and they have the power.'

The young man finally stops, his continues to pants as Aven approaches him.

'Boy, do you have a name?'

'Name is an Indulgence by the rich and power which I do not have the luxury to own them.'

'Well then, do you know who am I?'

'Aven Tullon...' said the young man with his voice shakes.

'Well it seems that I will need to properly introduce myself after all these years.'

'Listen now my young friend. My name is Aven Tullon, Elder to both of the Magician Circle and the League of Keepers. Power of both sides in which I held in my hands are the forbidden art. For that is why, I haven been in this prison.'

'I can educate you to become smarter, I can train you to become much stronger but with that kind of power, I'll ask you again. Do you seek revenge.'

He thinks for a split moment and gave a decisive answer.

'No. I do not believe revenge will bring peace.'

Aven looks changes immediately. He was disappointed

'But I will stop them, if I could, not in the name of vengeance. But in the name of Justice.

Aven heart swayed with his answer.

'Young man. With that thought. I shall train you to become the world most powerful being.'

Both of them get on their feet and Aven chant a spell. Visible marking of rune glows all around the prison cell and vanishes as they were erase.

'I've cast a spell that increases the strength of the previous spell. Time will be longer and spell with be much more tougher to cast, with that I shall train you.'

'But why do you want to train me sir? I am but a nameless commoner.'

'Young man, you are grown in such as way of injustice, poverty, adversity and viciously by this nation. But you struggle hard, knowing that you will not rise to be a successful man, knowing that noble or thieve will crush you down.'

Aven walks towards the only source of light in the cell and picks up the torch.

'Human though that fire was a friend until the day it burnt down their own ego.'

He then puts out the fire and throw the torch away.

'But they do not know what there is in the darkness. They spent too much time in the light not knowing that the shadow they cast. The suffer they cost.'

'Young man, I too was a victim of those people and likewise, I do not seek vengeance for I only seek for knowledge. So tell me young man when the time come and the cycle resume and you fall again, why get up? Why not quit? It is an illusion, vagaries of perception. Momentary constructs of the feeble human mind trying desperately to justify an existence that is without meaning or purpose. In the end, why do you persist? '

The young man answer him.

'Because I choose to.'
'And that is why, from this day forth, you shall be call Astraea, the embodiment of Justice itself.

Thursday, August 28, 2014

The Fall and the damn.

Sometimes we lie to ourselves in order to please and soothe the pain that we created.

We dream yet that same dream was not achieved. In order to pacify our own loss, we created excuses. We created the own demon inside our own heart. We built that damn wall to block ourselves from getting stronger. Because we know that we are weak. Because of that acceptance, the realization of us being petty and small, of unable to grow strong, of unable to become someone or do something great. In the end, we are to be blame for our own downfall.

Failure will always be a pain. Like shit.
But remember one saying, even shit will become a fertilizer for something great to grow.

Remember that.