Tuesday, May 31, 2011


We are making them everyday, every minutes, every second in our mind whether to determine which path to walk on. No one said that choices are hard to make, but only the doubt in your hard that stated that. Life goes on, no matter what choice you make, of course there will be a better over the other choices that you made but still, life goes on, whether or not it will wait for you to make that choice. No one is that to make you choose, we can only help you decide and influence you to make choices, in the end, the one who take the pick is still you. I'm not here to frighten you to pick your path, I'm here just to say that, no matter what path you made, stick to it, and don't look back. You made that choice and you walk. Path is not something that we can just imitate others. Yes, surely you can follow others people paths. Imagine that in a forest of undiscovered lands. Each step you took will create a path behind you, it may be tough and harsh but you will know when it is good for you. Walking someone else's path will not only make you a fool, but also a stupid person who will never learn anything from life. Finally is it whether up to you to choose your steps and to create your own path. Walk the path of life and be proud of it. Meeting obstacle is always a common thing, that is when you must, alter your steps. Obstacles such as, dreams, wants and finally the most powerful influence any human can never withstand, Love. Alter your steps and walk together with her. That would be made clear, you will walk together.

-In remembrance of my best friend-
Choose wisely, no matter what the outcome will be, I am here, as will be, always will be.

Monday, May 2, 2011

3th May 2011

Several days after the dreadful night in a Oxford house, I finally moved into my new home. It's nice, it's cozy, it's cool, it's warm and it doesn't not have internet for the moment. Thats how I wasn't able to update myself these days. Okay, now since I'm at the McD, I got this McD Coca Cola can glass meal which coast rm 15. A normal meal cost 7.95.....Such expensive..Meh anyway 2days to go to my next exam which is cell Biology the paper that is known to kill many Bio course related student.